will be updated asap.

Thursday 14 October 2010

don't worry, be happy

So i've tided my room and i thought i'd treat my boredom by having a play with my glitter things.
I look so weird on this picture...
Base Colour OPI : Nice Colour Eh?
I haven't tided the edged off yet. Planning on having a shower and letting that get the excess off.
Leopard print eye :)
Basically that's about it for today.
Planning on going to a gig later, not sure yet though.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

i want to suck your blood.

(Above looks terrible!)
So today went better than planned. I decided what i really could do with, a new phone. I love my Blackberry, but at the moment, it is really annoying me. I've decided to put some money away and get the iPhone 4 ASAP! I want to keep my blackberry though.. i have only had it 7 months, but it's aged SO MUCH. its really scratched and keeps freezing on me. I'm sick of it too. 
Today i have been at collage for roughly 12hours. I fee so ill right now. I just need a cup of cocoa and a nice shower. I took pictures of a few pieces i did today. I also did some graphics, 6pages of Square work. I had a good day. The funniest/annoying part of today was this morning. Haylie thought it would be funny to send me text's, in total she sent around 270 text's, i didn't. My phone froze after the first 150, so i had to make the entire prior open.
This wasn't that detailed, but i'm just so tired. 
BTW the picture of what i wore was terrible, i'm already in my jimjamz (tehe) and i can't really be bothered taking a better one.

Monday 11 October 2010

Today has been, good in a bittersweet way..

So Today hasn't been the best day, i've litterally had no make-up on all day, i sort of got into a paint fight in Fine art and got covered in luminous red. (Note to Self: Need some new 'Jegging's' They are covered in Purple and Yellow Acrylic.) But it was all good, i got most of it off and touched up my make-up. Went to Primark for my dinner break and decided, what the hell, even if i am literately penniless, i decided to buy the rings i wanted when i went to London, it just so happens, when i didn't purchase them, they came in everywhere and now lots of people have them. Oh well, it's just another two rings to add to my collection, to be honest, it made my day buying them. No matter how small, spending money is like therapy. I need therapy for the amount of things i buy. But i went back to collage. Jee's i have no idea what happened, but ended up with my face completely covered In black ink, Graphite and Charcoal. So i had to wash all my face before i carried on, And i had a strange reaction, so i left collage red and blotchy with a burning face. Not so good. To cheer myself up, me and my friend Becca went to McDonalds drive through on the way home, treating myself to a Cheese burger Happy Meal, Leaving me with absolutely no money what so ever. So i guess i need to talk to my mum, considering my EMA hasn't gone in and i won't be paid till next Friday. Yeah i suck with money.
I came home and gave myself a complete facial 'Spa' for 2 hours, and had a nap, waking up to Trout and Spuds. Which i didn't each much of. But hey, Food! Then i remember that tomorrow is open evening for School people and i have to be there, giving me no time to freshen up for it. It starts at 5pm and My lecture lasts till half 5:30pm. I have life drawing too, and that suck's. It so tiring drawing naked people. It's a 3 and a half hour lecture too. 
Some other good news is that lack of smoking i've been doing, i have a sore throat and my voice keeps going, so it feels weird having a cig. That's good, though i'm not sure i want to quite just yet. I may have to make it as a new years resolution. 
Considerning my layout for this blog, This weekend i think i may just design something over the weekend and scan it onto my computer and take it from there. 
But for now, i shall just chill with my itunes going, nothing better than Bruno Marz and Rage against the Machine to help after a stressful day. I know strange combination, but they are big on my 'Music List' at the moment.

Sunday 10 October 2010

First Post,

I'm Alison-Eve and i'm 16years old. I was inspired to create a blogspot, after stumbling upon LLYMLRS.
i like fashion, make-up and i love reading. I'm currently studying Art + Design. I have blue eyes, and brown hair.
I currently would like to dye it blonde, as i have been before. I'm friendly, be kind.. follow me ;)

If you'd like to get my other links, they are all here: My Tumblr